“Israel’s occupation and annexation of the Palestinian territories are unlawful, and its discriminatory laws and policies against Palestinians violate the prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid.”
Erika Guevara Rosas, Amnesty International’s Senior Director for Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns.
Take Action: Join us in calling on the Minister of Affairs to
The International Court of Justice has declared Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories unlawful. This historic opinion delivered by the Court underscores the urgency for global action against the illegal settlements that exploit and oppress Palestinian communities.
Illegal Israeli settlements are built on stolen land and violate international law. These settlements deny Palestinians their fundamental rights and perpetuate a cycle of injustice. By importing goods from these settlements, Aotearoa New Zealand would be supporting and helping to maintain this illegal occupation.
The Government has taken similar action before, including in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine where a sanctions regime was developed with restrictions on imports and exports.
This action will ensure Aotearoa New Zealand is acting in line with international law and upholding human rights while sending a strong message that we collectively stand against Israel’s illegal occupation and annexation of Palestinian Territory.
Join us in urging the Hon. Winston Peters, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister, to take action.
Your voice can help ensure that Aotearoa New Zealand acts in accordance with international justice and supports the rights of Palestinians.
This petition is brought to you by Politic in partnership with Amnesty International Aotearoa.
Tēnā koe Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters,
In an historic vindication of Palestinians’ rights, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declared in an advisory opinion that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian Territory is unlawful. This landmark ruling recognises the brutal and oppressive military occupation as illegal, marking a pivotal moment for international justice.
In its opinion, the Court reaffirmed the responsibility of all states “not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence”.
I am writing to urge you to also take a firm stand against the import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements to Aotearoa New Zealand and do all you can to pressure Israel to end its brutal occupation of the Palestinian Territory. These settlements violate international law and the rights of Palestinians, as highlighted by the ICJ’s findings.
I call on you to make transparent and clear any products being imported into Aotearoa from the illegal settlements, and to implement a ban on these imports.
Israel has been flagrantly flouting international humanitarian law on a cataclysmic scale, carrying out deadly and unlawful attacks during its onslaught in the occupied Gaza Strip that have claimed an unprecedented toll on civilians.
During this humanitarian catastrophe, Israel has expanded settlements in occupied territory and ignored ICJ orders to prevent genocide in Gaza.
I recognise the humanitarian assistance provided to date and the announcement earlier this year on travel bans. However, given the scale of the humanitarian crisis, much more is needed to protect human rights.
By banning the import of products from illegal settlements and calling on Israel to end its brutal occupation of the Palestinian Territory, Aotearoa New Zealand can better uphold international law and human rights. This measure aligns with our commitment to justice and supports the broader international community’s efforts to address the ongoing human rights violations facing Palestinian people.
In implementing a ban, the Government must regularly review and assess the impact, including impacts on human rights, and what more it can be doing to aid efforts to end the crisis.
I look forward to your response on the actions you will take to support this crucial issue.
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