Refugee Rights Are Human Rights

Refugee Rights Are Human Rights

Globally, 3 in 4 people support the human right to seek safety from war, violence and persecution. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is calling for ongoing solidarity to protect and defend the rights of all refugees, without discrimination. The time for action is now.

122 million people displaced by war, violence and persecution. 

122 million stories of courage and hope.

A new survey by IPSOS and UNHCR shows that 73% of adults worldwide believe that people fleeing war or persecution should have the right to seek safety.

Yet xenophobia, political polarisation, and the erosion of public empathy and trust are threatening these rights.

Together, we are a movement for hope and humanity.

By signing this petition, you join a powerful global community of compassionate people who are committed to justice. Add your name and show the world we stand united.

UNHCR’s five key asks of States

This campaign asks States to amend policies and introduce new practices so that all people fleeing war, violence and persecution can find and live in safety, without discrimination. Please sign this petition now and call on States to take these five key actions, with support from UNHCR and its partners:

  1. Access to safe territory and preventing people from facing violence or dying along the routes.
  2. Adequate conditions and treatment for refugees in line with human rights, dignity and inclusion.
  3. Accession to the Refugee Convention, lifting reservations and establishing efficient asylum procedures.
  4. Increased access to durable solutions, including resettlement.
  5. Solidarity and support to countries and communities hosting large refugee populations.

No one should have to pay with their lives or freedom to reach safety.

Thank you for showing your support for refugees and people forced to flee.

Please share this call for support with your friends and family on social media and let them know you have added your name to our growing list!

Refugee Rights Are Human Rights
Refugee Rights Are Human Rights
14 days
14 days
left to sign the petition
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The human rights of refugees need to be reinforced!

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Too many refugees are poorly treTed and unnecessarily incarcerated.

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Everyone has the right to live a safe, secure life.

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Everyone whether black, white or brown needs to be able to live their lives safely and happily. Starting a new life in a strange country us one if tge hardest things to do and refugees do not need to be further handicapped by racist, ignorant or violent treatment.

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human rights are for everybody, not a select group of elitists

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Human rights are the bare essential. Refugees are human too!

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people need a safe place to live

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safety is a human right

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I believe refugees deserve love and care and protection because they are human, just like the rest of us.

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Every single human deserves to live a life in safety. Refugees need to be helped to do so at times that are the most difficult for them.

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It’s simply the right thing to do. There isnt a human alive who would want to be helped if they needed to flee their country, if their life was in danger or the lives of their children was in danger. It’s not complicated, helpinh those in need is humanity, anything else is barbaric.

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Refugees deserve a safe and happy healthy life. Like the rest of us. ❤️

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its a human right to have a home, to seek safety for yourself and your family. As humans we must help each other in harsh times.

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Everyone deserves to be safe, to a home and shelter, access to food, respect to human rights as laid out in the UNited Nations Human Rights Charter.

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We have a duty to help those in need of justice and safety

2025-02-17 00:18:36

It’s the decent, human thing to do. Everyone deserves to live somewhere safe; to have their own home

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Refugees have a right to protection and a life free from fear and uncertainty.

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Refugees deserve humanitarian treatment and to be given security in their lives.

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Defugees are people, human beings with just as much right to safety a roof over their head and freedom to choose their liefestyle as any other human being.

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As a refugee myself, I see how people are fighting to have a place to live in peace. I worked for 37 years in this land. My children and grandchildren are Aussies and proud. Allow other people like me to have the chance to have a life.

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Humans have never been more vulnerable than they are now, particularly refugees

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Everyone should be able to live safely and be fed.

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I believe in justice and equality for all in this world. Every human life is precious and of equal importance and value

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Refugees are not illegal. seeking safety is a right

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They can't be forgotten ...there are so many fleeing wars and persecution and climate change we must do more

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All people deserve to live in society free from oppression, cruelty,hunger and just basic human rights.

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l believe that it is the human response to the suffering of innocent people

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Refugees deserve the same human rights as every other human being on this planet.

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Everybody has the right to be treated with justice, compassion and care.

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We are all members of the one human family; all deserve a good life free from fear, exploitation and oppression

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